July 22, 2020

Diet for Chronic Kidney Disease in Stages 4-5

Download the handout for important things to consider for chronic kidney disease stage 4-5.

Your kidneys are your body’s filtering system. With chronic kidney disease, kidneys are damaged and don’t filter blood as effectively. Over time, without attention to making lifestyle changes such as diet, kidney disease can progress to end-stage renal disease, which requires a kidney transplant or regular dialysis.


One in three U.S. adults are at risk of getting chronic kidney disease.[1]


Chronic kidney disease can also increase your risk of other inflammatory diseases such as cancer, heart diseases and stroke. Eating an anti-inflammatory diet can help decrease the risk of getting these diseases.[2]


According to the American Journal of Kidney Disease.[3] and the National Institute of Health,[4] you can reduce chronic inflammation and its associated health risks by eating antioxidant-rich foods every day, such as:

  • Beans, lentils, and peas
  • Spices
  • Dark-colored fruits and vegetables
  • Whole, unprocessed grains such as oatmeal, quinoa, and brown rice
  • Nuts and seeds


Choose foods that support your kidney health and can delay the progression of chronic kidney disease.[5], [6]

Download the handout below to learn more about eating a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet, fluid restriction, and limiting sodium, potassium, phosphorus and protein.


[1] http://www.kidney.org/news/one-seven-american-adults-estimated-to-have-chronic-kidney-disease
[2] Krishnamurthy VM, Wei G, Baird BC, et al. High dietary fiber intake is associated with decreased inflammation and all-cause mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int. 2011;81(3):300-6.
[3] Rebholz CM, Crews DC, Grams ME, et al. DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) Diet and Risk of Subsequent Kidney Disease. Am J Kidney Dis. 2016;68(6):853-861.
[4] http://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/kidney-disease/chronic-kidney-disease-ckd/eating-nutrition
[5] Lin J, Hu F, Curhan G. Associations of diet with albuminuria and kidney function decline, Clinical J Am Soc Nephrol. 2010; 5(5): 836-43
[6] www.dpcedcenter.org/research-shows-eating-more-fruits-and-vegetables-cuts-kidney-patients’-medicine-expense-half